Monday 29 October 2012

Midterm Madness

You are either one out of two types of students right now: either you just finished your midterms and you're finally able to breathe (wondered why i haven't blogged in so long?) or you're in the middle of your midterms and you can't wait for them to be over.

If you've finished your midterms, CONGRATULATIONS!

You did it- you made it through your midterms in one piece! Whether you think you did great or failed miserably, don't dwell on it. What's done is done, so give yourself a pat on the back for getting through it. If you didn't do so well, read over it, ask your teachers questions about how you could have answered questions better, and learn from your mistakes. By learning from what you did wrong, you can make sure you're that much more prepared for the final exams.

Don't get too comfortable!

Although it's important to give yourself a break, the semester/term keeps moving forward, and at an extremely quick pace, so it's really important not to get lazy. Make sure to stay on the ball and understand the material as the semester progresses (trust me, it'll save you come Finals, and make studying for them that much easier).

If you're still drowning in Midterms, YOU CAN DO IT!

Don't get discouraged- you're almost there! Although it can be really hard during this time, stay focused and stay positive! Make sure to stock up on your favorite coffee brands, tea brands, and a few Red Bulls. Although you're really busy, please take care of yourself. Listen to your body and sleep if you're too tired to function. If you feel like your brain is mush, go for a run to clear your mind (it'll also give you energy!).

Here are some studying tips for everyone, whether you're done midterms or not:

Study with a friend

First of all, it's much less lonely and much more fun. (Well, as fun as studying can be). Do your own thing for about 45 minutes, then check up on each other to make sure you both understand. Quiz each other, discuss the material, give each other relevant examples. You'll feel much better knowing that your friend is in the same boat as you, and you'd be surprised about how much you can learn from your peers. Bring coffee and some treats and make a night out of it!

Make your own notes

Read through your textbook, your class notes and your class slides. As you do this, create your own notes summarizing everything in the best way that makes the most sense for you. Use highlighters, and format it in a way that is best for you (I personally use lots of simple examples)

Understand, don't memorize

Don't try to retain information just for the sake of the exam.Understand it. Try to explain a concept to a friend, a parent, or even to your dog. Know the content like the back of your hand!

Organize your time

Make a schedule for every single day. Plan out your study sessions to allow yourself enough time to study for each subject, and always make lists of what you have left to do. Instead of writing "Study Psychology" on your to-do list of the day, plan out exactly what you'll be studying ("Read and take notes on Chapters 4 in the morning, then do practice problems in the afternoon"). The best part: crossing things off your schedule and to-do list and realizing how productive you are!

Find your best study location

Where do you study best: Starbucks? Second Cups? Cafe Depot? Tim Hortons? School libraries? Your dining room table? The desk in your room? Chapters? Make sure you decide where you work best, so you don't waste time finding place. Another tip- if you're in public, beware for loud noises. Invest in earplugs and always bring your iPod with you. ALSO, studies show that people work best with soft classical music playing in the background, so if you haven't already tried that, do it!

We go to school to learn, but we learn so much through the process. If things don't work out for your midterms, learn from them. Switch up some habits, try different studying tactics, start a study group, attend tutorials, speak to your teachers. There are plenty of people supporting you and your studies, so don't be shy to approach people for help. Most importantly, don't be so hard on yourself and don't give up!

Study Smarter, not Harder!
Happy Studying :)


  1. great blog! I wrote about the same thing haha

  2. Amazing blog! I can actually need advice on studying considering the hardest part of studying is starting for me! Thanks for the great advice, i'll definitely be using it!
