Monday 8 October 2012


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend of family, friends and friggin’ fantastic food! There’s nothing quite like pigging out on turkey, stuffing, carrots, potatoes and pie while being surrounded with the people you love. And thank God they love us, or else I’m not too sure if they’d stick around after watching us stuff our faces the way we did this weekend...
In the spirit of the holidays, today’s post has two Thanksgiving-related topics.

The “Thanks” in Thanksgiving

Before we all dug into our delicious meals, how many of us actually gave thanks? What are we even thankful for? And why do we only need to reflect on what we have one day a year?
If I were to ask you what you’re thankful for, what would be the first five things that would come to mind? A family member’ support? A friend? The incredible mark you received on your last exam? The creation of Apple? No answers are wrong, in fact, recognizing your thankfulness for these five things is a great place to begin. This week I want you, my dear blog-readers, to reflect on why these five things mean so much to you and why you are thankful for them. Then, I want you to let those five things know just how much they mean to you. So yes, I’m giving you full permission to speak to your bed and declare your thankfulness to it, or to tell those amazing Tim Hortons workers that this Thanksgiving you are giving thanks to them for brightening your mornings every day with their delicious breakfast sandwiches and cheap coffee.

But it tastes sooo good..

I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but Thanksgiving dinners are not helping your “Get-Back-into-Shape” plan. So instead of letting the extra pounds the holidays has to offer to get the best of you, start shedding away the extra pounds right away! It doesn’t take much, but here are some few easy ways to get you back into your healthy routine:

-Take the stairs
-Go for a walk every evening
-Go for a run each morning

-Hit the gym at least half as much as you hit the books


Don't get off track because of a weekend of delicious meals! And don't forget to give thanks :)

Have a great week, and remember to incorporate a sense of balance in your life to keep yourself happy and sane!

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